Monday, May 16, 2011

Replies to Frequent Anti-Segway Comments

Yeah, it gets wittier and less diplomatic from here as I voice what the Segway folks cannot. 


Really? How often do YOU go to the gym? How long do you circle a parking lot  to avoid having to walk more than 5 steps to the mall entrance? How many calories do you burn in that car or are you just burning emissions? 

A longtime gym rat, this bugs the heck out of me. Here's your lazy...


Uh, no, you keep that. I've had bikes, and for me the Segway works best. Arriving at my destination with wet arm pits and sweaty makeup just isn't appealing. 

I prefer kickboxing, spin classes and intense weight lifting. 


Are we in kindergarten? How did the firsts look after the penny-farthing evolved into what you call a bicycle today? 

Try growing up and using what works for you. Comments against the Segway are mainly online. In person, people LOVE the Segway! 


Can you walk up to 12.5 mph? Neither can I, which is why I use the Segway as a form of alternative transportation. 

You may see someone on a Segway, traveling slow. That's a choice, not the maximum speed. I travel slow when on sidewalks, then blow past joggers on bike trails. It gets me to my destination on my own time without depending on a taxi, subway or bus. 

If that's cool with you, I shall continue. 


I can't exactly take a motorcycle along the Hudson River for a nice glide, into the hills of a beautiful park, into my elevator and up to my can I? No. So it serves a different purpose. No gas. No parking costs. 

Think folks. Just think. 


I like unusual things. When things are unusual, they get teased like people with curly hair in a class of people with straight hair. Notice I said "class," as teasing others for being different is an adolescent behavior typically practiced by school children

Likwise, the YikeBike and Nubrella, two other inventions I like, get similar venomous comments from people who have NEVER tried them. I've found that once people TRY a Segway, most love it. I equate this to reactions to the iPhone.

The iPhone 1st gen was released in 2007. It was touted as "Revolutionary" by Steve Jobs. It rotated in a glass encasement months before it was released, which made people salivate at the mouth with "Oooohs" and "Ahhhhs." But oh, that darn $600 price tag made it the an item of envy for the masses, and an elitist item for early adopters. 

I remember the "I'm gonna wait until it has x amount of memory." "I'm gonna wait until it does this, that and the other." But you know what it took for people who pretended to hate the $600 iPhone to buy one? A drop in the price. The rest is history. The iPhone and its copycat touch-screen devices are in almost every hand. 

People dismiss what they can't have or what they can't justify even if they CAN afford it. They have an attitude that says, "If it's not practical for me, it's stupid for everyone." 

No, if it's not practical for you, don't buy it. And if the Segway price dropped dramatically, and the laws in states coincided, allowing Segways to be treated as bicycles, you BET your sweet backside that you'd see a rise in Segway ownership and copycat Segways the way that the iPhone evolved to be in every hater's hand. 


Stop frontin'. The Segway rocks! At least try it on one of the many Segway tours just to say you did. I often allow people to try mine. Read what people on Twitter say after going on a tour. 

It isn't a practical purchase for everyone, and I wish the price would lower so that more people could justify the cost and enjoy it. But in the meantime, stop being so mean on the Internet about things you know little about. Try it. Have fun in the moment. It's just not that serious. 

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