Monday, May 16, 2011

Gliding While Black

The Term
There's a term joked about in black culture. When a black person is pulled over without a legitimate reason while driving an expensive vehicle, it's deemed that the officer pulled the driver over under suspicion that the vehicle was stolen or the driver is involved in something illegal in order to afford it. The crime: Driving While Black.

Defining "Gliding"
The term for 'driving' a Segway is called "gliding." I came up with Gliding While Black as a funny take on Driving While Black, but in some cases, it still applies with a racial overtone.

I have met friendly people while gliding, but many (blacks and whites alike) assume I am "renting" it. The look on their faces when I say that I own it says much about their assumptions.

Practical Transportation
I usually walk, take the subway or bus. Because of the Segway, I don't spend money on parking nor gas. The initial investment is equivalent to that of a downpayment on an economy car. Maintenance is minimal, so it's all about perception.

Somehow, the Segway is viewed as a rich person's toy, and for some, it is. For those folks it's pocket change and they own many. For me, it is my only form of independent transportation and a way to get around when NYC taxi drivers refuse me a ride. Hailing a Taxi While Black, haha. Another post.

It's a BLAST!
I've owned bikes, skates, rollerblades and kick/electric scooters. None top the Segway PT for me in terms of safety, ease, maneuverability, transportation and fun. It's the best alternative transportation investment I've ever made.

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